Wednesday 20 July 2011

Racial Harmony Day

      Racial Harmony Day is a very important factor to mantain peace in the country. Without Racial Harmony Day, there might not be more than one race in a country.
      It is very important to celebrate Racial Harmony Day as it brings peopl of different races & religions together.The school has organised a week for us to celebrate Racial Harmony Day. We were also allowed to wear traditional clothings on Thursday, 20 July 2011. During the assembly on Monday, there was a performance which featured the three common races here in Singapore, dancing as one. We had to take the pledge in malay & in chinese. The school also organised a charity bazaar to collect money &donate them to the needy.
      The charity bazaar is to commemerate the people of the olden times, as they live near each other and learn about each other's way of living. The peopl of the olden times lived in peace & prosperity, they traded with each other, talked about recent news &about what happened in Singapore. They also help each other out in times of crisis, or an epidemic.
      Racial Harmony Day is a reminder for us to live together regardless of race & religion. We should live together peacefully as Singapore is a multi-cultural society for all of us to live in